Welcome to my page. I’m Ildikó Balogh. I was born in Budapest, and I live here.
I was interested in the characteristics of the zodiac signs already in my high school years.
I turned towards the astrology deeper at the beginning of my 30′s, and then went on to study it.
I like to search for the spiritual motives, hidden abilities of the people’s personality, and the tendencies of fate, the future orientations.
I have been dealing with astrological counseling for 16 years.
I prefer the method of horary astrology because with this it is possible to see your present situation and give an answer to your actual question more accurately.
I have been working with the horary astrology for 8 years, which does not require the date of birth, but a specific question about the topic what is actual for you.
E-mail: ildiko.bh@gmail.com
Phone: + 36 70 213 43 25